Training Classes | ORBexpress | CORBA C++ Java Ada | DMMfx


OIS understands the complexity of distributed object programming, and we have developed a number of training classes to assist in your development efforts. Four types of training classes are offered to provide both a CORBA programming overview and basic ORBexpress® programming techniques.

Each class utilizes a “hands-on” programming approach to facilitate the learning process. At the completion of the program, the user is expected to be able to develop code for use in their development projects.

Training Class Syllabi:

Current Class Schedules
Training classes are offered throughout the year at OIS’s Corporate Headquarters or classes can be held at your location. Contact us using our Contact Form to learn our current training schedule.

Class Registration
For your convenience, use the Training Registration Form to register for any of these training classes. Please submit the form on-line or print and fax form to: 703-295-6501, with an accompanying purchase order or other documentation showing company authorization for the expenditure.

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