Case Studies & Customer Wins
OIS has worked with a variety of industries to provide advanced real-time connectivity software development tools. Check back often to read about our newest success stories.
National Ignition Facility
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is a premier applied-science national security laboratory operated by the University of California under contract to the Department of Energy.
Scientists at Lawrence Livermore’s National Ignition Facility (NIF) are solving one of the world’s most challenging distributed systems control problems using ORBexpress®.
Marine Systems
Paranor AG
ORBexpress® is the linchpin for the Monitoring, Control, and Alarm System (MCAS) that replaces conventional shipboard controls and instruments with touch screens and track balls aboard a huge, high-tech catamaran.
Air Traffic Control
The European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) is a civil and military organization, currently consisting of 41 member states. Air Traffic Management researchers at the EUROCONTROL Experimental Centre in Bretigny, France, are using a powerful tool: the EUROCONTROL Simulation Capability and Platform for Experimentation (ESCAPE). ORBexpress® offered EUROCONTROL an easy integration with the OASIS cross-development environment of Ada and C++ applications.

Major Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturer
A leading developer of Resilient Packet Ring Optical Ethernet solutions for Metropolitan Area Networks selected ORBexpress for Network Management System development.
ORBexpress® is playing a key role in the development of the embedded network management component.
Military & Aerospace
Major Defense Contractor
While developing a software-defined radio for the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS), a major defense contractor ran into some hurdles. With a major deadline looming, the team had a choice to make: either battle the code or switch to an ORB that supported open-standard APIs. The team decided to switch ORBs, turning to Objective Interface Systems and its ORBexpress product.

- REMEC chooses ORBexpress for the power management software application in a new wireless base station: This new telecommunications application continues the common use of Real-Time and Embedded CORBA technology for communications architectures.
- US Navy (Dahlgren, VA) expands its use of ORBexpress to the new Navy Open Architecture Project: This effort furthers the use of CORBA as the backbone technology of Naval Tactical Real-Time Software Systems.
- Lockheed Martin Owego, NY selects ORBexpress for use in Multi Mission Helo application.
- Alenia Marconi Systems adds Real-Time CORBA to their Radar Systems: The use of ORBexpress in their systems has enabled an increase in speed and deterministic behavior. This has allowed Alenia Marconi to replace traditional CORBA applications with ones using ORBexpress.
- Lockheed Martin adds additional ORBexpress capabilities for THAAD Launcher System: Additional embedded capabilities add to their long standing use of Real-Time CORBA.
- Boeing selects ORBexpress for the Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-sight Terminals (FAB-T): Real-time CORBA is key to their system-of-systems approach to networked communications in this Global Information Grid (GIG) satellite system — a key enabler for Joint Vision 2020
- Alenia Marconi Systems (AMSI) in the UK expands their use of ORBexpress: Radar data management project replaces existing desktop CORBA infrastructure with real-time CORBA, continuing a string of ORBexpress architecture wins at AMSI.
- TRW and Joint National Integration Center (JNIC) purchase ORBexpress: Will use in Ballistic Missile and Theater Air Defense testing, modeling and simulation, and analysis.
- Fujitsu Ltd expands usage of ORBexpress in their Network Communications products: Fujitsu in Japan joins their US team in using ORBexpress.
- Boeing (Mesa AZ) selects ORBexpress for use in the Longbow Apache Helicopter: The system will communicate via the Real-Time CORBA ORB to the Integrated Data Modem (IDM).
- Harris Corporation’s RF Communication Division increase their use of ORBexpress for their Software Defined Radio projects.
Japanese Distributor Nissin Software licenses ORBexpress to major software development organizations:
Hitachi Kokusai Electric, Toshiba, and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) all to use Real-Time CORBA in their next generation systems. -
Lucent (Germany) selects ORBexpress for next generation prototype:
The UMTS Node B project will be embedding CORBA deeper into the architecture. -
Wedgetail program selects ORBexpress:
Boeing (Seattle WA), EADS (Germany) and Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (Norway) are all jointly building an Airborne early warning system as part of a multi development effort. This program is similar to the well known AWACS system. - SaabTech and Swedish Defence select ORBexpress: Will use on the KAPRIS Command and Control System.