About Objective Interface Systems
Objective Interface Systems (OIS) is the leading global provider of advanced communications and information systems technologies. OIS products are uniquely designed for ultra-high reliability systems where both security and high performance are key requirements.
OIS employees, management, and ownership are intensely dedicated to providing technologies that ensure the success of customer business missions. And OIS has a multi-decade history of thoroughly solving many of the most difficult computing challenges on earth.
OIS’s dedication to customer-first, customer-always has resulted in over $700B in systems worldwide using OIS products as a core technology.

What We Do
Communications Technology Group
OIS real-time communications middleware solutions make communication between disparate systems, both large and small, easy, fast, reliable, and secure. OIS offers ultra-low latency, real-time connectivity software development tools for use in complex and demanding environments, such as aerospace, defense, automotive, telecommunications, financial, medical, robotics, industrial automation, and consumer electronics. The ORBexpress product family is the most widely deployed communications framework for distributed and heterogeneous systems where failure is not an option.
Enterprise Technology Group
OIS enterprise technologies provide a secure foundation for robust information technology systems. OIS enterprise technologies provide an agile infrastructure that allows customer agility from tiny embedded systems, to multi-site, multi-cloud large-scale cloud systems.
Corporate Overview
Objective Interface Systems, Inc. (OIS), a leader in real-time, embedded, and high-performance communications software, provides its customers with advanced real-time connectivity software development tools for use in products throughout the military/aerospace, high assurance, telecommunications, data communications, process control, medical equipment, robotics, finance, transportation and consumer electronics industries. A privately held company, OIS has been developing high-performance software applications since 1989.
A pioneer in the development and adoption of advanced real-time Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) technology, OIS helps customers understand the uses, applications, and advantages of using CORBA for seamless application connectivity. Widely considered “experts” within the real-time community, OIS continues to develop cutting edge, real-time commercial applications through continuous research and development efforts. Committed to customer success, OIS provides unprecedented customer support, and market-leading technologies.
OIS is actively involved within the Object Management Group (OMG), a standards group specifying a common architecture for building distributed systems, common services for use in such systems, and protocols for interoperability among implementations.
Objective Interface is a key contributor in the development of CORBA and DDS standards. For example, OIS has been the editor or key contributor to the following standards: Real-Time CORBA, High Assurance CORBA, CORBA/e the new minimum CORBA, Lightweight Services, High Performance Enablers, Fault Tolerant CORBA, Data Distribution Specification, Portable Interceptors, Dynamic Scheduling (Real-Time CORBA v2.0) and Multicast: Unreliable and Ordered Reliable.

What They’re Saying About OIS
“I learned some important differences between open-source software and a commercial off-the-shelf software product that is well-supported and designed specifically for the job…”
“A great many mission critical embedded systems on earth depend on OIS’s ORBexpress running on INTEGRITY. The organizations responsible for these systems depend on the rock solid reliability, low-latency, and security of the ORBexpress inter-processor and inter-system communications infrastructure.”
“ORBexpress has played a key role helping us reach our development milestones on the Soldier Radio Waveform and on the Soldier, Rifleman and SideHat radios. It was refreshing to work with a vendor who actually understood the challenges we faced in SDR and delivered working solutions each time. OIS exceeded our expectations with the quality and speed of their product deliveries. Their technical support gave us the right person to talk to whenever we needed it.”
“Through our collaboration with OIS—a company known for providing fast, mature and secure communications middleware for advanced embedded systems—we are now able to provide a high-performance, secure robotics platform to developers of robotics systems.”
“Our JEM radio, using ORBexpress as part of its Operating Environment, proves that the SCA can be implemented in a size, weight and power-constrained environment, . . . Objective Interface was very responsive to our needs for strict standards compliance and fast engineering turnaround.”
“We find that the performance is sufficient to meet our most demanding requirements. Within the ORBexpress environment, NIF programmers can develop code that is reusable across multiple platforms, applications, and indeed other projects.”
“OIS’s communications middleware is known throughout the industry for its ultra-high performance and extremely small footprint — features that are important to our customer base.”
“The small footprint, low overhead, reliability and high efficiency of ORBexpress RT make it a technically ideal solution for resource-constrained SDR embedded systems…”
“The ORBexpress framework, … drills down on Android to connect Android apps to PCs, other mobile devices, enterprise networks, and pretty much anything else. The background communication and data exchange between the different devices aims for lightning-fast UI response times. And, it’s reliable enough to use in mission-critical systems.”
“OIS has helped companies all over the world to simplify the development of distributed software applications—while maintaining the highest levels of performance.”
“Our source is very portable but depends on third-party software. Thanks to ORBexpress, we were able to port the core framework and FM waveform without changing a single line of source code…..We took advantage of OIS’s expertise to figure out the right configuration for cross-compiling the application across Android’s mixed language architecture. OIS engineers provided excellent support for those questions. With the right configuration, one engineer completed the entire port of the radio and waveform in just one day.”
“We selected ORBexpress based on its high performance as well as its tight integration with the Communications Research Centre (CRC) Core Framework used in our radios. ORBexpress facilitates seamless communications across heterogeneous platforms—an essential requirement for waveform portability. It delivers this communications infrastructure as promised—without impacting code size or performance.”
“Our experience with real-time CORBA, and specifically with ORBexpress RT from Objective Interface, has shown that CORBA can be used to build small footprint, real-time and high-performance embedded systems in telecommunications, industrial control, aerospace and defense and other application areas…”
“In our experience, ORBexpress RT has been able to meet even the most stringent requirements of real-time, embedded and high-performance systems based on our real-time operating environment, VxWorks.”
“At sea, lives are at stake, this is why for the mission critical components we chose ORBexpress…”
“The SCA uses CORBA and POSIX to create a highly portable and efficient architecture…..And because ORBexpress is the smallest and fastest real-time communications infrastructure available, capable of porting to a wide range of operating systems and processor architectures, it became incredibly easy to port a complete radio system quickly and efficiently to a brand new platform like Android.”