Writing ORBexpress Pluggable Transports | Training Class

Writing ORBexpress Pluggable Transports


This course will provide students with a hands-on working knowledge of transport development within ORBexpress®. The concepts of pluggable transports and the plugin transport API for ORBexpress will be presented. Students are expected to come with knowledge of a target transport. The design and implementation of an ORBexpress transport plugin will be initiated by collaboration of the student and the instructors. This course is approximately one-third lecture and two-thirds actual development of a transport.

Topics covered in the class include:

  • Why Write a Transport?
  • Understanding the Transport
  • Transports within CORBA
  • Transport Connection with ORBexpress
  • Steps to Writing a Transport
  • Using Transports with ORBexpress
  • Summary of Transport Requirements


CORBA developers and project team members who need a working, practical understanding of pluggable transports in ORBexpress.

Course Goals

This is an intensive, limited enrollment course that will enable students to develop a transport for use in ORBexpress.


Knowledge of ORBexpress development is necessary. Familiarity with C++ and at least one C++ compiler is necessary. Students are expected to have researched or have knowledge of a transport suitable for a plugin ORBexpress transport.


Two (2) days.


Each student will be provided with a PC or Workstation computer with both ORBexpress and the corresponding C++ compiler installed. All computers will be connected on a LAN to enable client/server lab exercises. Use of student development resources, such as laptops and transport hardware, during the course is encouraged.

Students will be provided with a copy of the instructor’s slides, a paper copy of the product manuals, and a copy of current ORBexpress release notes and FAQs.

For more information regarding this course, please send us a message using our Contact Form.