Corporate Philosophy

Objective Interface Systems (OIS) has adapted and evolved over the years to meet the changing needs of our customers. This evolution is reflected in our products and services. What hasn’t changed over the years is our commitment to continuous improvement, state-of-the-art technology and dedicated customer service.

Engineering Philosophy

Our product quality reduces costs and increases success for everyone.

We innovate—safely and reliably. Our engineering schedules are in tune with our customer needs. Customer priorities pre-empt new product schedules.

We keep it small. Every byte of code costs the customer deployment dollars.

We keep it fast. Every nanosecond of latency costs the customer deployment dollars and makes real-time applications harder to schedule.

We keep it predictable. Real-time applications require real-time technologies. 

Financial Philosophy

“Pop” growth is not reliable, we manage our growth for the long-term. We have a history of profits with virtually no employee turnover. Our employees are dedicated to our task; which is commitment to give our customers our best. We are 100% employee owned with no outside funding or ownership.

Commitment to Standards

We feed innovations back into standards. OIS is responsible for innovations that are standards in the industry today. We invest a substantial portion of our research and development into technology to deliver new products and services to our customers. We consistently provide some of the highest levels of customer support.

We work with our customers:

The customer’s problem is our problem, regardless of whether the customer’s problem is in our software or elsewhere; no matter when the problem happens.

The customer’s costs are our costs:

Our products are designed to keep customers costs down. A bug in our software collectively costs our customers 10 times what it costs us directly. Tracking run-times can be more expensive to the customer than our fees would be.

The customer’s success is our success:

We want to make all our customers successful. When our customers are successful; we are successful. It is easy to make a customer fail but it takes hard work to ensure every customer succeeds.